In a recent release, Breadwinner changed the relationship type between the Xero Contact and the Salesforce Account. This was done to reduce the time it takes to bring Xero data into a Salesforce Org.
To change the relationship, we have added a lookup relationship from the Xero Contact to the Salesforce Account. This field is being populated with the same value that the existing Master-Detail field has.
So, now, the Breadwinner Xero Contact Object has two relationship fields to the Salesforce Account, one is the Master-Detail Field and the other is the Lookup Field: .
Master Detail Field (Mandatory): Bread_Winner__Breadwinner_Account_Connection__c.Bread_Winner__Account__c
Lookup Field (Optional): Bread_Winner__Breadwinner_Account_Connection__c.Bread_Winner__Salesforce_Account__c
As the relationship between Xero Contact and Salesforce Account is being provided by the new Lookup, we can manually delete the existing Master-Detail relationship field.
Due to Salesforce limitations on Managed Packages, managed package deleted fields need to be deleted manually from the customer's Org.
Therefore, we request that your Salesforce Administrator deletes the field by following the steps below, After this has been done, you will be able to upgrade to newer versions of Breadwinner.
Deletion of the M/D Field in Salesforce Classic:
Setup -> Objects -> Xero Contact -> Custom Fields & Relationships
Delete only the first field named “Delete Me(Delete This Deprecated Field)”
Deletion of the M/D Field in Salesforce Lightning:
Setup -> Object Manager -> Xero Contact -> Fields & Relationships
Delete only the first field named “Delete Me(Delete This Deprecated Field)”